Orthowell Physical Therapy

Kinesio Taping Services

Complimentary Consultation

Contact Us today! 

978-522-4199 Beverly or 978-462-2700 Newburyport


Complimentary Physical Therapy Consultation

Get Your Complimentary Consultation

So WHY should you get checked out by a physical therapist? 

Do you have a nagging injury that will not go away regardless of what you do?

Have you been putting off seeing your doctor or another health professional about your injury due to lack of time or cost of healthcare?

If you answered “Yes” to either of these questions, then OrthoWell has a solution for you!

First, know that you are not the only person who is dealing with some sort of physical pain or injury AND has not sought professional care for it. Everyone has their reasons for not taking the next step. Whether it be “I’m too busy” or “it will cost too much”, this type of thinking could lead to making the problem worse. As a result, the cost for taking care of the problem will only increase later as it gets worse, especially if it gets to the point where you require surgery to correct the problem.

So, what can be done that is affordable and not so time consuming to take care of your injury? Well, the first thing is to accept that the sooner you take care of it, the less time it will require to go away and the less money it will cost. For example, when you hear your car brakes starting to sound funny, you are better off getting the pads placed immediately rather than waiting until your current pads are so bad that they wear out the rotors as well, costing you even more money and time to repair. The same concept applies to your own physical condition or BIO-mechanics.

This is why we offer a COMPLIMENTARY PHYSICAL THERAPY CONSULTATION. It is a no obligation, free injury screening. We call it our Try Before You Buy program. Check us out and see if we are the right match for you.

In a matter of 30 minutes, one of our expert physical therapists will evaluate your condition and provide you with a solution to managing your painful condition or injury and educate you in ways to alleviate it sooner than later!

So, if you are experiencing a painful and nagging injury, don’t put it off any longer. Give us a call today in Beverly at 978-522-4199 or Newburyport at 978-462-2700 to schedule your Free Injury Screening Appointment.

Read what Tammy said about her experience at OrthoWell:

"I visited OrthoWell previously in Beverly and recently returned for PT in the NBPT office. Chris and his staff are amazing!, Not only is Chris incredibly knowledgeable in his expertise but he has an amazing personality . You always leave with a smile on your face. I’ve been to many other PT clinics over the years, but when you go to OrthoWell you say, “ O.K...this is real P.T."  I highly recommend OrthoWell to everyone"




Why should you try the OrthoWell System?