Accelerating Tendon Healing: The Role of Collagen Peptides and BPC-157A Wild Wisdom WorkshopMiracles” Happen at OrthoWell: A Patient’s StoryTaming Stress with AshwagandhaLet’s Get the Ball Rolling! New Year, New You!Vitamin D: Your Secret Weapon for Joint HealthBeyond the Classroom: Clemente’s Community InitiativeHow the Pace 500.3 Step-Through Ebike Can Boost Your HealthTry this new and improved supplement for neuropathy nerve pain.Relieve Muscle Tension and Boost Recovery with the LifePro 4-Speed Vibrating Massage BallDiscover the Benefits of Using a Squat Rack for Strength TrainingCheck out the Donkey Kick!Do you suffer from gluteal amnesia?Here’s why you should be very careful with hospital based physical therapy practices if you have a deductible.Working remote? Not exercising enough? Try thisDon’t Be A Victim of the Pain Industrial Complex!BIG changes at OrthoWell! How Will It Affect YOU?Do you have scar tissue that is just stuck?Are you a squatter or a deadlifter ?How to Get Better Sleep?Get more sleep!The Winning Combo of Mediterranean Diet and Exercise.Feeling fatigued? Take your electrolytesNo room for a bike. TRY THIS!Discover Hope, Find Relief: Your Journey to Freedom from Peripheral Neuropathy Begins Here!Supplements for Joint HealthWhat NOT To Do After a Total Hip Replacement!Lactate Testing to Improve PerformanceGot some toe pain? Try this!Having hip pain? Have you tried hip traction before?Get ALL the exercise you need in 20 seconds!!Have you ever experienced an episode of Vertigo?Do you need more than physical help? Try Equine Gestalt!Are you “double jointed”?Check out our series of neck strengthening exercises!Cushion ShoesDo you have flat feet?What is an NSAID?Do you ankle or arch pain?Longevity Series Part 2: Fasting!Are you using the right oils when cooking?Longevity Series Part 1: Breathe the right way to live longer!What is lactate and why should you care?Soul Warrior FitnessDo you exercise?How do I calculate zone 2?Do you care about your longevity?So what do you REALLY know about sugar?Train with a Bodybuilder!Laser: A cure for the pain of knee arthritis? Does cardio stunt muscle growth?If you drink booze, then READ THISSo what exercises should you do to help you become a stronger runner?You voted us as having the Best Physical TherapistDo you have buns of steel? If not, then you need to get on it!For those of you curious about CURCUMIN’s effect on inflammation, check out the information below.So how does dry needling and acupuncture REALLY work?Do you have a history of shoulder dislocation?Do you have “weird” symptoms on the outside of your foot?Try this Foot Taping at Home!IS YOUR FASICA TRULY INFLAMEDWARNING: STOP ICING! Read this…Can physical therapy treat tinnitus?Did you read about the hip joint from our last post?Do you have painful or snapping hips?How can you reduce the impact force to prevent running injuries?Should runners avoid strengthening exercise? Absolutely not!Here’s what you can do if you can’t runDo You Play a Throwing Sport? Watch this Shoulder Exercise VideoStruggling with shoulder pain?Happy Easter!How can you prevent shoulder injuries in overhead athletes?How important is strengthening in the prevention of running injuries?Does running lead to knee and hip arthritis?Is exercise safe with knee osteoarthritis?Pain After Total Hip ReplacementCan Traction Cure Your Back and Shoulder Pain?Our Valentine’s Day contest winner is……. VALENTINE’S DAY IS ON THE WAY!Plyometric exercises for your shoulderDo You Need Some PLYOMETRICS?A few things you can do to help prevent fallsThis product may keep Covid away!Benefits of self massageEquine Gestalt Coaching…Do You Need Help?Happy and healthy holiday seasonWhat does injury to the central nervous system lead to and what to doAre you doing these exercises for your lower body?Are you someone suffering from chronic posterior shoulder pain?Check out this helpful article to find out if you’re drinking enoughHappy Veterans Day!So what is Tabata?This Glute Exercise Can Really Help!Do you think you have hip bursitis?Did you know this about sleep?Are you on our Wall of Fame??How you can tape a sore footShould you still use ice?What is the reason for pain in the front of your shoulder?Are you still doing the crazy stuff with your phone and your laptop that we talked about last week?Are you doing this crazy stuff with your phone and your laptop?Why is the knee prone to buckling or giving way?Tips and tricks to help you incorporate more movement into your workRespokare Flu Fighter MaskAre you strengthening your hip ADDuctors?Are you doing these exercises for your hips and glutes?Thank you to all who participated in our Fourth of July Candy ContestFourth of July Candy ContestWhat do laser and dry needling have in common?We appreciate you!The decision between pursuing surgery or conservative carePracticing MeditationWhy Should You Avoid Anti-Inflammatories?Are You Doing Neck Strengthening ExercisesOrthoWell is P.E.A.C.E & L.O.V.EThe Vybe Percussion Massage GunBecoming a Better, Smarter Runner WorkshopAre You Doing These for Your Core?Speed Up Your Recovery With This….Could this be a cure for chronic illness?Could Dry Needling Cure Your Foot Pain?St Patty’s Day ContestSQUATS: The Most Important Tools for Proper SquattingWays to walk confidently this winter and avoid fall related injuriesCore Stability ProgramsHoliday Charity Campaign…Ho…Ho…Ho!HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!***SPECIAL OFFER*** RUNNING GAIT ANALYSISWHEN IS HEEL PAIN NOT PLANTAR FASCIITIS?Become a BETTER and SMARTER runner!Do you have shoulder pain?Have you ever had a running gait analysis?Do you have flat feet?Take Your Core and Rotator Cuff Exercises to the Next LevelResistance Bands vs. Free Weights: What’s the deal?Do you have flat feet?Increasing Incidence of Injury in Youth SportsUnwind Those Knots in Your MusclesPain Creams & CBD. Get the REAL scoop!Cross Training for Success After a Running InjuryHere’s How You Get Rid of that Hamstring PainDo You Need a Hug?You Really Can Prevent Cancer. Read this!Should You Squat When You Have Knee Arthritis?Give Yourself This Holiday Treat!Do You Need a Kick in the Butt??Try These Exercises to Maximize Your Core StabilityGet Instant Relief of Foot PainAre You Doing This Awesome Shoulder Exercise?How to Avoid the Dead Lift Pitfall!Has Physical Therapy NOT resolved your Achilles Tendonitis Pain?Manual Traction Can Cure Your Neck PainKeep your soccer daughter out of ACL danger?How To Get The Most From Your RowsGet Rid Of Your Arthritis Pain TODAY!Holiday Fundraiser-Thank You!How Can You Keep Your Kids Injury Free on the Soccer Field?Should you “crack” your back??GET YOUR HOLIDAY GIFT!And the Winner is………..What is all the hype about Trigger Point Dry Needling?HOLIDAY WELLNESS EVENTCure Your Neck & Shoulder PainAnd the winner of the August gift card is……Your Wellness Program is finally here!!Can Exercise Totally Cure Low Back Pain?SAVE 41.7% On Your Healthcare CostsAnd the winner of the July gift card drawing is….Keep kids safe in sports & Does Running cause arthritis?Do You Have Snapping Hip Syndrome?Guess What? Exercise Can Prevent Low Back PainTight Hip Flexors-The Source of Your Back or Hip Pain?Total Motion Release : Patients are Raving About It!FREE Holiday Special – Reserve Your Spot TODAY!Do You Really Need To Stretch Your Hamstrings?Could This Really Be a Quick Fix for Tendonitis?So what does Olympian Michael Phelps know that you don’t?The Happy Drug You Should NOT Resist.Are you getting the most bang for your buck with a foam roller?Would you like to feel happy and vibrant EVERY day? Here’s how.Is A Lack of Sleep Making You Feel MORE than Just Groggy?The Ultimate Cancer Cure and Prevention – Make it YourselfIs Texting a Pain in the Neck??How Can “Cups” Heal Your Injuries Faster? Cure for Plantar Fasciitis?What’s More Important: Stretching or Strengthening?Miracle Cure for Stiff Hamstrings? Save $$ on Monthly MaintenanceMake A Core Investment This Holiday SeasonHow can your gut affect your health?It’s True: You Really Can Maintain A Healthy & Pain-Free Lifestyle. Here’s how!Are Toe Crunches just as important as Stomach Crunches??Do Pain Creams Really Work?Icing-Does it really do what you think it does?Runners Beware of Spring FeverFoam Rolling Decreases Post Exercise SorenessCUPPING THERAPYFREE Exam/Laser Day Extravaganza-UPDATE!!ONE DAY SPECIAL OFFER EVENT!!!Trigger Point Dry Needling -Video – FREE trial!CANCER – I FOUND A CURE!!LASER – The New Gold Standard?Vitamins -To Take or Not To Take?Eccentric Exercise Helps Knee PainAre Rotator Cuff Tears Inevitable?Cross Fit – Is It Killing You??Foot Orthotic Videos – What do YOU need?How do we treat thrower’s elbow?Knee Scopes: Are they a Sham?Get Rid of “Cold” Inflammation.Crunches are not the answer!Baseball Throwing Injuries. Oh no…not me!!!PLANTAR FASCIITIS….OUR OWN DVD!!Put $$ in your pocket! Refer a friend program!Proper Breathing – The Cure for Pain & Stress?Breathing from your Core-The Missing Link?EXPLAIN PAIN!! THE WHY & HOW.HOLIDAY DEALS & TURKEY TROT 2012Plantar Fasciitis & Foot OrthoticsSI Joint Pain & Dysfunction. Do U Have It?Nerve Mobilization TechniquesWhat Happened To My Arch??We’re Back!!!!!! With a New Look!Life is Sometimes “A Pain in the Neck!”PUMP YOU UP!!Headaches!! Aspirin or Exercise?Why does your knee keep on hurtin’?Foam Rolling TechniqueLow Back Pain – Part 3 – BEST Evidence-Based Core Exercises!Low Back Pain -Part 2- Getting Down To The “CORE”I DID IT !!!!!!Low Back Pain -Part 1- Common Sense or Evolution?KinesioTape-The EvidenceReebok pays 25M – Kick in the Butt!So what’s up with the Shape-Ups?My Guest Post Extraordinaire!!Is your tennis elbow a pain in the neck?How “HIP” is your knee pain?How “HIP” is your knee pain?THE FORMULA FOR RUNNING PAINFREEKinesio Taping – How does it work?The Subscapularis Release Miracle!! Impingement And Beyond….Effect of Wedges on Plantar FasciitisWhat kind of foot orthotic do you need??Is it REALLY tendinitis? Or tendinosis?Literature Review – Heel PainIT HURTS!! HEAT or ICE?Shoulder Impingement SyndromeIS IT PLANTAR FASCIITIS OR NERVE PAIN??Plantar Fasciitis and Foot Orthotics.Graston Technique and Scar TissueActive Release TechniqueDO FOOT ORTHOTICS CONTROL ALIGNMENT??The -itis versus -osis debate!!How do you get shoulder impingement syndrome?What is the best exercise for patellar tendinosis?What are the BEST shoulder exercises?Do you really NEED that cortisone shot?How do FOOT ORTHOTICS work?ART gets you better – QUICKER!!GRASTON versus Scar Tissue!! Any bets??Are you SURE it’s plantar fasciitis?The importance of closed-chain exercise.OUCH!!…My shoulder hurts!!Heel Pain – The scientific facts!!Patellar Tendinopathy – The role of Eccentrics.The P.R.I.C.E. is right! Patient Handout.The Missing Link – SCAR TISSUECLOSED CHAIN CREATIVITYShoulder Exercises: The Evidence